Thursday, June 17, 2010

How to See Paris in a Day.

It all started on Tuesday night when I met a couple of friends of a friend who were visiting paris. But, the friend who they were staying with had to work all day yesterday, and so, since I absolutely adore showing off my city to anyone interested I offered to take them around the next day. I didn't realize that they were leaving the next day!! We squeezed in SO much but it was super fun.
Here's what we did.
We started the day off by scaling the Eiffel Tower.
Then we headed over to my favorite little crêperie at St. Michel and had chicken cheese and egg crêpes. deeeelish.
Then, we took a little tour of Notre Dame, and ooh and awed at the beautiful architecture.
(my personal favorite was the lovely roses currently growing in the garden in back.)
Then, I can't very well show anyone Paris without taking them to Shakespeare and Co. my favorite place in the whole wide world! we spent some time there playing on the piano, typing notes to each other on the typewriter, and perusing the shelves.
Then It was off to visit miss Mona Lisa. Navigating the Louvre is not my strongest suit so we ended up wondering about for a while before we found her.
Already a bit exhausted at this point I took the boys over to the Marais for a mini picnic, of coke, juice, chips and danette (we try to keep it healthy) we sat and ate it on the steps of a random church and caught our breath.
One of the boys had some shopping to do so we moved it over to Hotel de Ville and hit up Zara.
then took in a coffee at Starbucks ( i know, you can't be french all the time, it's far too expensive!) while we waited for the other boy who was off work by this time to meet us.
we decided to go meet him en route, but went to the Monop' to grab some wine and toilet paper (par the request of boy #3 whose household had become depleted of this item). Then we hopped on the Metro to me #3 at Châtelet ( you can't really see Paris without experiencing this station. it's madness)
we found Boy #3 and also discovered that the Toilet paper we'd bought was actually Paper towels...oops..
zip zam zam
Rode over to Sacre Cœur, went inside and watch a mass that was taking place for a bit (I was surprised how I actually understood the sermon, my French is getting better methinks)
then went out to watch the sunset over paris (which doesn't happen until like 11pm) on the steps of Sacre Cœur while watching Fire dancers and sipping our cheap wine.

and THAT my friends and followers is how you see Paris in a day.

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