Monday, May 31, 2010

A little Inspiration

I love flowers. End of story.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trés Jolie!

Bits of Prettiness:

Pretty Pearls
It's all you need.
1 euro spent very well. everyone should own a tower.
what I hope to be wearing this summer.
I need to find a reason to make these

Moving day

Tomorrow is moving day again, that went fast! This time I have two days to move, so that's nice, plus, this new place I get to stay at for TWO weeks...score!! 

P.S. So excited my friend Lauren in coming in only a week! I haven't seen anyone from home in SO long. it will be very nice to see a face from back in California! 

Monday, May 17, 2010

Eye Food

A little something yummy for your eyeballs

Artist: Julie Morestad

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lesson of the day:

French doors lock automatically when you leave, they are also IMPOSSIBLE to break into, and, if you've for some idiotic reason left your key on the INSIDE of said fortress, you're going to have one HECK of a day. 

will not be forgetting to check for keys before I leave ever again. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dream House

Not having a place of your own tends to make one dream. 
These are a few of my favorite things to dream about:

exposed beams AND circular windows...are you kidding me?!
Random stuff on walls. 
Fireplace bookshelves
I'd settle for an awesome tee-pee
this is just perfect. Everything in this photo. 

Moving Day! (plus a little bit of background)

So, If you don't know me, here's the deal. I'm basically homeless at the moment. yup. for the last 5 months I've been moving around from friends house to friends house while I "sort things out" 
This whole process was meant to take no more than two months, but, life doesn't like to go along with your schedule, so here's the progression so far:
1. a little over a year ago I moved to France, basically because I had nothing better to do...well, also, it had been in my heart for a LONG time. 
2 I Realized that I wanted to stay much longer than the alloted 3 months with a tourist visa, so I went home to California to figure out how to get a real visa de long séjour! (long stay visa) 
3. decided to become an Au Pair and worked my tail off for three months getting everything set up in order to do that. 
4. came back to france and realized that my Au pair family thought that "au pair" was french for "slave girl", and if you know me you know that I don't take peoples crap. so after 3 months I quit. 
(now comes the fun part) 
5. I was "hired" at a restaurant called Breakfast in America and did my trial shift and all the necessary things to start my new life in Paris. 
6. After my trial shift I went in to get my schedule and the manager told me they wouldn't need me until a month from that time! FAIL! it's not like I needed to pay rent on the closet I had just managed to rent. 
7. I got kicked out of the apartment I was living in (I couldn't it was fair, I think) and was desperately searching for a different job, applying, going to interviews, and getting NOWHERE! 
8. a month actually does go by and a call up old BIA to see about my job they'd promised me. turns out the guy I was supposed to replace decided not to leave. which left me with no job (sad face) 
9. Looking for a job...looking for a job...looking...looking...looking...NOTHING
10. out of desperation and a serious need for...well everything (I had literally less than a Euro left to my name.)  I looked around I saw that I still had yarn, needles, and hands. and so I decided to open up an Etsy shop and sell knitted bows, something I had already knitted in the past and knew i could come up with lots of different ones. 
11. now we are back in the present. 

All this to say, from the time I left the Au Pair job I haven't unpacked my suitcase! I've not stayed anywhere for more than a month, so "moving day" happens often. 
I'm actually getting quite talented at lugging all my crap onto the metro and across town. (I've realized that that's why you call it "luggage") 
And, Yes, today is one of those days, when I get to exert super human strength. at least this is a relatively short move (only one change...yess, but also a lot of stairs...bahh) 

all of this moving really creates a longing to be settled, I think later I'll post a "dream house" article, maybe that should become regular. I'm still figuring out what exactly is going into this blog so let me know what you'd like to see more of! 

Friday, May 14, 2010

Rainy day black and whites

Photo Shoot Deux

Today marks about three weeks into opening up my little Etsy boutique. So far it's been a crazy adventure with 7 sales in the shop and 6 sales outside. 13 sales for the first month isn't so bad i don't think. 
I'd love to be double that for the next month! one can have high hope can't they! 
Anyway, I've been working my tail off to try and get a bunch of new items ready for this month, and wouldn't you know it I finished even more than my goal! 
Today I took my amazingly beautiful friend Angela over to the St. Michel area to do a quick and easy photo shoot. 
unfortunately as it is Paris in April it started raining half way in, and of course my camera was running out of batteries, but, somehow we manages to get some great photos!! 
I love how easy photo shoots are here. you really don't have to look very hard to find a great location! 

This blog is now open!

I hereby christen this blog in the name of all things pretty, silly, adventurous and true. 
it is to be a catalogue of my galavanting about Paris whilst trying to run a small business out of a suitcase. 
I guarantee that there will be many laughs, disasters and awkwardness, but I cannot guarantee that there won't be spelling errors. 

Looking forward to sharing my life with you all!